Bildungswege auf Englisch: Educational pathways in Baden-Württemberg">
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Bildungswege auf Englisch: Educational pathways in Baden-Württemberg

Educational pathways in Baden-Württemberg. The most important fact is that each qualification offers the possibility of a further connection.

Educational pathways in Baden-Württemberg: The most important fact is that each qualification offers the possibility of a further connection. Apart from the general, intermediate, higher academic and joint secondary schools (Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium, Gemeinschaftsschule), the vocational schools, which offer a wide selection of courses, represent an important stepping-stone on the route to further qualifications. If, for example, a young person has attained a general or intermediate secondary school-leaving certificate (Hauptschule, Realschule, Gemeinschaftsschule), the vocational schools allow him or her to enter in to an apprenticeship in the dual system or to pursue further education and eventually attain a university entrance qualification. Therefore, the school system in Baden-Württemberg is never a one-way street, but consistently takes the development of each individual student into consideration, so that students are neither undertaxed nor overburden.

Herausgeber: Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport Baden-Württemberg
Publikationsart: Broschüre, englisch
Seitenzahl: 32
Publikationsdatum: 2017

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